Tuesday 5 July 2016

New Beginnings.

HELLO! This is just a welcome/introduction post for this blog. I used to be very into blogging, but I couldn't keep it up because I was too busy or too lazy. I use to blog about my life and whatnot, but I lose interest because my life is too mundane so I don't have anything much to blog about.
  This blog is going to be about the books I read. I'm doing a notes format for all my non-fiction books, just to have a set of notes of the books that I've read on the internet, and also motivate me to read more. For fiction books, I'm going to do a progress format and maybe do a short review up until the part I'm reading. 
 One function of this blog is also to help me take more photos, because I need develop my photography skills. Blog posts look better with pictures!
  That's all for now. Thanks.